Thursday, April 18, 2013

Jade Management may be tied to alleged Success Trade Securities Investment Fraud

The securities fraud complaint and temporary cease-and-desist order (see here for more information) filed against Success Trade Securities by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority may be the tip of a larger fraud.  Now it appears the NFL Players Association has asked a handful of athletes with investment involving Jade Management to contact the FBI. 

Jade Management may have ties to the fraudulent investments made by NFL and NBA players through Success Trade Securities.  These investments supposedly generated returns between 11 and 26 percent.  Jade Management took $1.25 million in fees from Success Trade Securities through its relationship with the now defamed investment firm headed by Fuad Ahmed. 

Block & Landsman has been representing investors in investment fraud cases since 1994.  During that time we have represented multiple professional athletes, and have been successful in getting investor funds returned in a multitude of cases.  If you believe your investment is at risk because of the actions of Jade Management or Success Trade Securities, we invite you to call us or visit our website for more information.